Thursday, October 16, 2008

Global Financial Crisis - no thanks! Far away in Lake Chapala

In May, 2007 Ray and I enjoyed a wonderful Mediterranean Cruise with eleven hours of seminars with Jerry and Esther Hicks (Abraham). Esther essentially channels and has an incredible abilty to tap into the universal knowledge bank.

Recently I received an email from Abraham-Hicks (Law of Attraction) with a video clip from a recent workshop. It spoke directly to me and I think you will see the importance of it in these economic times.

Click on this link to watch this short video.
It is awe inspiring.

Just to give you a glimpse: Jerry asks Esther (Abraham) "if three people were allowed in the Presidential debate and Abraham was the third, what would their proposal be to alleviate the world-wide financial crisis?"

I had to watch it a couple of times to really make sure I really GOT IT. The message is don't worry; just buckle down and ride it out. (Or as Abraham so aptly puts it: Chill out and go to work!!!

I hope you Enjoy it as much as I did!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Lake Chapala, Mexico

The Law of Attraction

Marie Dwyer-Bullock, Lake Chapala, Mexico

I recently received this write up about the Law of Attraction from Finance North America and wanted to share it:

With 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping real estate professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success. She writes for Finance North America to better serve their clients.

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work? Basically, it is a system of manifestation. More specifically, it is a system to help you to become magnetic to what you desire. The Law of Attraction can be implemented in five easy steps so you can begin using them in your real estate business to attract your ideal clients.

The principles of the Law of Attraction are based on quantum physics. Here is the basic principle:

"Everything is energy. We appear solid but we are not."

In addition:

-thoughts and feelings send out energy.
-every thought and feeling possesses a certain kind of energy.
-energies attract like energies.
-certain thoughts and feelings send out a higher vibration. We call them positive energies.
-other thoughts and feelings send out lower vibrations. We call these negative energies.

For example, the thoughts that are understood to be the highest vibrational thoughts are thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, and joy. The thoughts considered to be negative vibrations are thoughts of fear, anger, resentment, and anxiety.

The Downward Spiral
If you want to increase the flow of money to you and you dwell on the lack of money in your life and on all the debt you have, you send negative energy into the universe. Because energy attracts like energies, the universe will send you back the same kind of energy and you view more of the scarcity that you are projecting.

The Law of Attraction offers a solution to the dilemma of the downward spiral mentioned above. It says if you want more prosperity in your life, offer high vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, and joy combined with your intention to magnetize money. The problem is that most people focus on what they don't want instead of what they do want.

Here are Four Easy Steps to follow the Law of Attraction
Most people don't really know how to use the Law of Attraction so they flounder around and conclude that it really doesn't work. This article will show you how to use the Law of Attraction in a clear and concise way, giving you an easy system to get the results you want.

STEP 1: Identify what you want in a client
The best method for doing this is the T diagram. Simply draw a horizontal line from the left side of your paper to the right side of your paper. Then draw a vertical line from top to bottom creating two columns.
Now take something you want to work on such as attracting your ideal clients. When you look at the T diagram, think of three to five qualities you WANT in a client, such as committed, motivated, decisive, responsive, and positive. Write those in the left hand column.

STEP 2: Discover the FEELING place of having what you want
Our typical way of thinking is, "When whatever is there comes over here, then I will be happy." So we try to change the outer conditions and become "fix it" mongers. We always try to change what is out there so we feel good. How do you find the "feeling place" of having what you want even before it has arrived?

Here is the answer: it's easy to find a place of having what you want when you visualize it. There is a scientific principle behind this: what you visualize, you materialize.
Take a moment to feel the feeling of knowing you have succeeded in attracting an abundance of ideal clients. How do you feel? Do you feel:


Step inside of these feelings, breathe and feel them on a physical level.

Do these feelings make you feel warmer or cooler?
Do these feelings make you feel lighter or heavier?
Do these feelings activate or relax you?

STEP 3: Discover your opposing beliefs
This step is crucial and often emitted by authors of the Law of Attraction. Think about "how can you attract prosperity if you have opposing beliefs?" I often run into people who have anti-money beliefs like:

-money doesn't grow on trees
-money is bad
-money corrupts us
-people with money are phony
-you can't trust people with money

Yet these are the same people trying to create a successful business so they have more money. Does it make sense that this wouldn't work? What is the solution? You need to identify and release all of your opposing beliefs. Some of these beliefs are on a subconscious level. For example, everyone carries subconscious beliefs about work such as:

-to be successful you have to work hard
-you have to struggle to strive
-making money requires years of sacrifice
-you can't have a successful career and enough time for your family

What self-limits do you have about work?

The key to success is getting rid of opposing beliefs. This may require the help a mentor of coach as many of these beliefs are in your "blind spot." That's why most successful professionals, like Tiger Woods, have coaches because they can't see their blind spots.

Replace those opposing beliefs with positive affirmations like:

-I attract abundance into my life

-My clients are loyal and like to work with me

-I deserve abundance in my life

-I know a lot of people who do good things with money

-Having more money will give me more choices

-I can do a lot of good for myself and others with more money

-Everything in the Universe flows and I feel the abundance of the Universe flowing through me

-It is easier to be positive than to be negative

-Whatever I desire and believe I can have, I can achieve

STEP 4: Take inspired action
Some people think the Law of Attraction doesn't require action.

First, get really clear on what it is you actually want. The clearer your vision is, the more exact the manifestation that you create will be.

· Describe what you want – write it down and put in your Creation Box (to the Universe)

· Then close your eyes and imagine yourself having it

· Then really ‘feel’ yourself having it (in the now)

· Then get out of the way and let the Universe do its job. Don’t doubt it. Don’t keep asking for you. (You put in your order once and that’s it. You don’t go into Amazon every half hour and order the same book.)

You need to keep yourself in a very good ‘feeling’ place in your gut.

· Feel very passionate about what you want

· Feel the gratitude for already having it

· Feel the benefits in the present tense

· Enjoy it already

For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at the ideal weight. Look at how well your clothes fit. Imagine going shopping for new clothes in a smaller size. Feel how much better you feel with less weight. Hear those compliments from people around you. Look in the mirror in your mind and see the new slender you. Every day say, “I am slender.” If you say, “I want to lose weight,” that implies it will happen in the future and that you have too much weight now. When you say “I am slender,” your mind hears this and believes it and creates the reality. When you believe it, you will see it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ask Better Questions...

Let's put things in perspective...
Real estate in Lake Chapala, Mexico
by Marie Dwyer-Bullock

For my motivational reading this morning I returned to "Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins. Earlier I had watched the news about the Feds and Congress in the US proposing a massive 'bailout' in the financial sector.

As always, what I was reading gave me the exact answers I needed. We cannot control or change what is happening around us, but we can control how we react to it. How do we do that? The answer: "Ask better questions!"

Always remember "Ask and it is Given" is a Universal Law.
We get what we ask for - whether we want it or not. So if you are sitting there worrying about the devastation of the US Economy and how terrible it is and wondering how it is going to affect your real estate sales in Lake Chapala, Mexico, then so it must be. If you are thinking, people simply cannot afford to buy 'now' or they can't sell their properties north of the border 'now', then so it must be. You will attract exactly those situations.

For just one moment, let's consider a new question.
How about: "How can I use what is happening?"

First let me tell you a story from my past. It was 1980. I had bought an existing Real Estate company that I had been managing for some months. The future looked rosy. That is until the Alberta government, who had previously approved a large expansion in the Oil Industry, decided to cancel the expansion. At the time, it was devastating. When I purchased the company, I took over a five year rental lease on the building and a five year lease on all the equipment. I had made big commitments. What was going to happen?

Prices didn't go down immediately because we didn't have one sale for the next six months.

No sales meant real estate agents leaving the Industry. Listings were a dime a dozen but with no buyers, that just meant advertising costs with no revenue. So what to do?

I had to make a decision - to go with the flow and get out of dodge and maybe declare bankruptcy, or to find a way to turn it around.

I decided that failing wasn't an option for me. I called an emergency meeting of the remaining agents in my office. I told them to bring a lot of quarters (dinero) to the meeting. I placed a glass fish bowl in the middle of the table. I advised that this was a meeting to go forward, not one to cry in the soup and rehash what was happening around us. All negative comments would result in a quarter in the fish bowl.

Next I reminded everyone that in Fort McMurray the temperatures in the winter got to 30 and 40 below zero. People needed to live in houses. They couldn't live on the street. I reminded them that both Syncrude and Suncor Oil Plants were still operational and all those people that had jobs before still had jobs. What had really happened: the big expansion (boom) wasn't going to happen. That wasn't all bad.

Listing prices had come down. It was a perfect time for people to buy real estate and get into the market.

My company,NRS Dwyer Realty, put an ad in the local paper offering: "A great opportunity to get into the real estate market has been presented. Don't wait! NOW is the time to take advantage of price reductions. Stop by our office and enjoy Free Coffee and let us help you find your new home."

Then we went on to emphasize that the reversal of AlSands expansion was really a plus for Fort McMurray. “We were beneficiaries of an incredible amount of new infrastructure without the ‘boom’ that would have happened with AlSands. Many people had good paying jobs and now with the price reductions, they had a perfect window of opportunity to get into the market.” Then we threw in “some examples of great deals outlining what the monthly mortgage payment would be and how much a person would need to make to qualify.”

Because our agents changed their focus from devastation to solution and by putting things in perspective they were able to ask better questions and change how they 'felt' about what was happening around them. They were able to see opportunities for buyers instead of focusing on lack of sales and price reductions. This resulted in turning the market around, slowly but surely.

The market will always be up or down. You cannot change what happens around you. However, you can always control how you react to it.

It is in challenging times where we have to dig deeper and look for solutions, where we must use our creativity. Anyone can be an order taker in good times. But with adversity comes growth.

Ask yourself better questions and the solutions will always present themselves!
Now let’s compare what’s happening out there and the possible implications here on the lakeside.

Of course the US slowdown and the leveling off of prices in Canada will have an initial affect on this area. This is to be expected.

However, it is important to remember a few distinctions.

First: Lake Chapala enjoys three markets, not just one:
  1. Baby Boomers from the US
  2. Baby Boomers from Canada
  3. People from Guadalajara buying weekend homes on the lakeside
This helps balance our local market. Although the local market will be affected by one or the other of the above markets, you have the other markets to draw on.

Second: Most people that own properties here are mortgage free, so therefore they don’t get squeezed into having to drop their price substantially to sell. Most can simply wait it out. Therefore, although our prices may adjust they will not fall into a hole.

Third: The Baby Boomers are going to continue to come to Mexico and Lake Chapala in particular, in big numbers. Many may even decide to leave north of the border sooner than previously planned for the very reason of what’s happening there. When people come on a Focus on Mexico program with plans to retire in a few years, most often they move that date forward once they find out the reduced cost of living here. In addition to the lower cost of living, they are enticed by the near-perfect climate, stress-free and laid back lifestyle, excellent health care, easy access with the airport a mere thirty minutes away and last and most important the wonderful Mexican people.

It is clear it will take some time to recover north of the border. Many people realize this and they are interested in getting on with their lives now so they are actively searching and wanting to make that move. They also realize the number of Boomers that will be coming here over time. They want to get into this market ahead of the herd, while the opportunities are still good.

Some people need to sell their home up north before they can buy here.

For our Focus on Mexico clients who have homes to sell north of the border, we decided to help them reach their goals. Read posted Blog "Help is here! Selling your home in a down market..." a series of emails back and forth between Focus and one of our clients.

With her permission we are able to share the story of one of our client's transformation in not only believing her home(s) there could sell, but her taking a proactive approach in the process. Whether you are a home seller or buyer here or north of the border, or a real estate agent lakeside, we hope you find this useful.

And remember, Ask yourself better questions!

Part I: Help is here! Selling your home in a down market…

Challenges in life can be our best teachers!
by Marie Dwyer-Bullock, Lake Chapala Mexico

Shortly after I bought my real estate company in Fort McMurray, Alberta, the Alberta government reversed a decision to allow another oil sands plant that was destined to create a boom in the area. So with the announcement to cancel, came a big downturn in the local market.

Having just signed a five year rental lease on the building and a five year lease on all the office furnishings and equipment, I was devastated. It was sink or swim. Having no choice can be a big motivator. In the first six months sales weren’t slow, they were non existent. Not one property sold in six months. I realized I had to become very creative and proactive. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I decided to stop panicking and look for solutions. Once I changed my focus and asked better questions, slowly but surely things started to turn.

In the last few months here on the lakeside watching the economic slowdown north of the border, it occurred to me that I could dust off those creative ideas and help our Focus clients who are looking to move to the lakeside and start their new lives, but want or need to sell their home back there in order to buy here. Although there is no magic wand in sales, there are some fundamental principles to consider and creative visualizations that can help manifest a sale.

Read Blog - "Part II and Part III"
I share excerpts from emails back and forth with one of our Focus Alumni clients who just can’t wait to make the move to Lake Chapala. Her initial frustrations with not being able to sell back there were sending mixed signals and a blockage to a successful sale.

I helped her look at things from a different perspective and she instantly understood and became pro-active to help herself. In hopes that these ideas might help other people and with my client’s permission, we have chosen to share them with you in Part II and Part III of this Blog.

Part II: Help is here! Selling your home in a down market…

Challenges in life can be our best teachers!
by Marie Dwyer-Bullock, Lake Chapala Mexico

Continuing from Part I of this blog - Below are excerpts from emails between myself and a Focus on Mexico client who has given permission to publish these in an effort to help other people overcome difficulties in selling their home.

Visualization is a very powerful tool and not one to be underestimated.

First email from Marie to client V…
Hi V...
I was speaking with Kristina and she said she'd received an email from you and you were a little concerned about your house not selling there and the current market climate. I asked her to forward your email so I could share something with you.

Often I receive emails from our clients saying they are having difficulty now selling their home back home. More Americans than Canadians to be sure, but still some from both. It is amazing how affected we can become from market news about the economy.

When you feel you 'know' that the economy is tough, that sales aren't happening in your area and that your home is 'unlikely' to sell or if it does, the purchaser who wants to buy your home likely has a house to sell and that holds up the show; then this cannot help become the reality. No wonder you are feeling confused over why things are not working out.

When you're thinking you'll have to resort to taking a job to keep the house here and that gives you stomach aches just thinking about it; well that is telling you pretty loud and clear that you don't want that reality. You're gut is the feeling you put out there. It should always be singing what you want, not what you don't want. Remember, you get what you focus on. First important point.

However, there can be another reality. I share this only with those clients that I feel I'm close enough to and that I think will consider what I am going to say may have some validity . In addition to that, I like you very much and see you living here in Ajijic, Lake Chapala, sooner than later. This is not only possible, but I know how and I want to share it with you.

When I lived in Fort McMurray and owned my Real Estate Company, my time in real estate was during the bust. There was a boom before my time and after. But while I was active, I dealt with the Oil Plant Alsands that was approved and then cancelled by the government and later interest rates of 22%, just to name a couple of things. So I had to learn to create my own markets.

Because I felt a great commitment to my clients to get their home sold, and since I had bought the company and couldn't bail, I had to find a way to sell properties so I learned to be very creative. Actually total attention to detail would be more appropriate. I just kept digging till I found the right formula that would sell that house.

And what I discovered during this process is there is always a buyer for that house. Certainly we need to stage the house and price it correctly; these are two very important factors.

What worked very successful as far as pricing was to have the home appraised and then price it slightly BELOW appraised value. Then we could advertise "This home is priced below appraised value." Then I would advise showing agents that because this home was already priced below the market, there wasn't much room for negotiating. It would be obvious to clients looking at a number of homes together, that this one was the best value.

But the # 1 MOST important factor is both I (their Realtor) and my Vendors MUST also believe the house will sell. (So often now I hear clients telling me their Realtor has assured them the market is tough and they should be patient. That's when you also need to sell your Realtor on why your home will sell.)

Then I would have them write out all the things they liked and loved about their home and why they chose it in the first place. I was determined to find the ESP (Essential Selling Proposition) for each property. I believe that houses, like people, have personalities and matching people to homes became my specialty.
  • Why did they buy it?
  • What have they enjoyed about their home?
  • How did their house/home compare to other similar homes in the neighborhood or area?
  • What special features and benefits did their home have?
  • Then I would ask them "Who did they think would make the ideal buyer for their home right now?"
    • Then I'd work with them and we'd create the Profile of that buyer.
    • It would be pretty easy to first determine if that buyer might be a first time buyer or someone upgrading.
    • Whether their home would be a family home, a retreat or a home for entertaining.
    • We'd exhaust all the possibilities of who might buy their home. Then I'd write that up as the Profile of the BUYER(S) for their new home.
    • We’d write out all the reasons these buyers would really enjoy this home as their own.
    • We'd write that these buyers would be in a financial position to buy their home and close it on their terms.
  • Then we would not only EXPECT it to happen but be proactive in the process. I would advise them to envision the buyers coming to see their home and falling in love with it at once and see them living there as their new home. Then I'd have the owners envision themselves in their next home and imagine the packing and moving process. Going to the closing, getting the money, moving on. Thoughts manifest realities.
Armed with all the information above I would walk through the home and yard taking pictures and making notes along the way. Then I would create a Home Book to tell the story of that home. Included in the Home Book were comparable listings, an appraisal, a letter from the existing owner and a myriad of other information. This became the silent salesman assistant when other agents were showing the home and had questions. Also for open houses, in was an invaluable tool. There is a lot more to selling a home then a sign on the lawn, an ad in the paper and an open house.

This Home Book can live on the website of the Agent who has the listing. It would also be in the listing office and obviously a copy in the Home along with colored Feature Sheets to take away, each with a location map on the back. Both the Home Book and the Feature Sheet could be emailed to interested clients and other agents and friends/neighbors of the owner that could be invited to send this info out to anyone they thought might be interested and they could help choose their own neighbors.

Second Most Important Point: I am a 1000% believer that what we put out, we get back. Whatever we ask of the Universe, it gives us. When we tell the Universe we'd love our home to sell but the market is bad and nothing is selling, so we really don't think it will sell; the Universe agrees - it probably won't sell.

But if instead we write out the Profile of the buyer and the process above, and choose our closing date and really get ourselves in a good feeling place about this, you will be amazed at the results.

Then to really add some power to the formula, write out when you are moving to Chapala, detail your new life. Write the places you will visit, what changes you will make to your new home, the people you know and will invite over to your housewarming party (yes thank you, we'd be happy to come. just let us know the date and we'll be there. What would you like us to bring?) And the new people you will meet - write some phrases in Spanish and get someone to help translate so the Universe doesn't misunderstand. Actually SEE YOURSELF living here. (It is all your belief system. Let's change it to get what you really really want. Let's move you to Mexico and get on with your new life.)

Feel what it would be like. Sit down in a chair and get comfortable. Put very quiet music in the distance. Make sure you are in a very good feeling place before you do this. Find a way to bring yourself up to that feeling good place before you begin. It works better this way. Then just relive in your mind and heart but also the gut (that place where things feel good), all the visions you had from the above exercise. Just tell the Universe what you would like. Then simply and joyously expect it to arrive and get excited about the process. Then just get out of your own way and be ready to allow it to come to you. It will. It can do nothing else. The Law of the Universe (The Law of Attraction) is much like the Law of Gravity. It works every single time, no matter what. Just make sure what you are envisioning is what you want, not what you don't want. Either way, you will get it.

Through this process, you will find yourself here in Lake Chapala. And one more thing, from the moment you do this, start talking the talk about moving here and the house selling. Fake it till you make it, as they say. Your words will help you believe and pave the way for what you want.

Let me give you a personal experience.
"A few months ago I said to Ray I'd like a 'new vehicle'. We haven't had a new vehicle for 20 years. I don't know why all of a sudden this was important, but it was. He said financially we'd better wait at least a year, re revenue, income, taxes and all those rational ideas. I actually agreed with him as it was certainly logical in light of what he told me. Well a little while later I got to thinking about that new vehicle again and at first told myself to stop that and put it on hold for a year. Then I said to self: You know what; I'd like a new vehicle. There is surely a way. So I went online and found a picture of what I might want, after doing a little research. Ray and I had already talked earlier about what we might buy later since I really don't know a lot about cars. Anyway I picked a picture of a vehicle I liked in the right color and I printed it off. I put it in my Creation Box (kind of like a Vision Board). I knew that might not be quite enough so I sat in my chair and closed my eyes and here was my vision:

  • I got into my new vehicle and got comfortable in the seat. I closed the door and leaned back and put my hands on the wheel. Then I wrapped my fingers around the wheel and took a deep breath. I smelled the leather and how clean and new it smelled and felt. Then I took the key and put it in the ignition and turned the key. It purred. Then I put it in reverse and backed it out and took it for a little ride. OK, that put me in the right feeling place so I was done. The rest of the work was up to the Universe. I had put the picture in my Creation Box and now I had added the feeling of having it so my job was done. I didn't mention this to Ray.
  • Less than two months later Ray mentions one evening that he had been working on the taxes and found a way for us to get the new vehicle now. I just smiled!
  • When we went to GDL to buy it the salesman asked didn't I want to take it for a test drive? I told him, No I already had. Once we picked it up and I drove it, of course it was the same feel and smell I had experienced. How could it not be?"

V…, I wish I could figure out how to say this in a lot less words but it is a very important matter and I certainly wanted to give it 100% of my attention to help you. You belong here. You even went to Baja and did good work before you came. You spent time here before the program. You felt at home. This is your new life. Get yourself on down here girlfriend and let's get this new life going. Time's a wastin'

By the way, the rainy season here isn't all rain and mud. It is truly the most magical time of the year and for those of us who live here full time, it is our favorite time of the year. You have till end of September to enjoy it with us. We'll invite you over for one of the lightening storms over the lake which are magnificent, as are the sunsets.

One last thing (if you are still reading this), if you haven't already, pick yourself up a copy of the book "The Secret". It is an easy read and very inspiring. The other wonderful book by Jerry and Esther Hicks is called "Ask and it is Given" - all about the Law of Attraction. Armed with these two little beauties, everything will become crystal clear. Sometimes when we really want something, we have 'ONLY' to decide once and for all - "I'm just doing it... because"

See you soon on the Lakeside...
warmest regards and hugs

Read Part III of this Blog and get the Happy Ending that is about to manifest!

Part III: Help is here! - A Happy Ending

Challenges in life ARE our best teachers!
by Marie Dwyer-Bullock, Lake Chapala Mexico

Important Note: Read Part I and Part II before reading Part III

Part I: Economic Slowdown north of the border aggravating sales.
Part II: Empowering ways to help sell your home north of the border. See it first with your heart and manifest it in reality.

Part III below: Attitude is everything. You will always get what you ask for. Thoughts are thinks, choose the good ones.

Below in Part III you will see the power of changing your thoughts. This isn't about positive thinking, as just thinking is not enough. You must shift your thoughts first, but then you must envision and then the real power comes with the feeling and imagining it happening. Then you can move mountains. I hope you enjoy the last blog of this series which reveals how changing how you react to what's happening around you, can change what's happening around you.

Response from client V… to Marie Marie and Kristina,

I am sitting here in tears. What good timing and I am so grateful that Kristina told you, Marie, about what is happening with me. I have had doubts about if I wanted to sell my condo, because it was my dream home and it is beautiful. Marie, after reading what you wrote I realized I am sending out very confusing messages. I do love my condo but it feels empty some how. It does not feel like home. It is pretty and I love the way I decorated it... but it does not feel like I belong here... I decided I will clean my place and get it ready for a showing because my realtor WILL call and I better be ready!

(ring ring... I was interrupted, just now as I am writing this with a phone call from my condo realtor assistant.. she wanted to tell me there is an appointment for a showing Wednesday morning at 10:30!) I am not joking, this just happened! She also told me several people called to inquire about it this weekend... and that their office has been really busy. She is such a positive person I enjoy talking with her. She was involved in my purchase of this condo last year... and she understands where I am coming from... she said "think positively... your condo will sell!" And I just thought about how wonderful it will be for someone to own this condo... it will fulfill someone else’s dream!

My ocean front house can fulfill a dream for another person too.. it is so affordable and has a lot of potential. I know there is someone who would love to look at the sunsets every night and walk to their boat at the marina one house down. There is a family considering it now.... and I pray that it would be a great home for them... if it will help them achieve their goals. See... I am visualizing how happy the new owners will be.

Now I will go and do as you suggest and visualize living in my beautiful home in Ajijic. Playing scrabble with friends, petting my dog, painting and making a difference some how.

Your email is so much what I needed to read. The universe, for me: God.... I understand faith and the positive thinking that you describe is one more tool to help me tell God what it is that I need... I have such a strong belief that Ajijic is where God wants me to be at this time in my life. Thank you both for caring!
Love from V


A follow up email from V…
(sent to Focus and bcc to everyone on her Focus program)

Every morning I wake up with a burning desire to move to Mexico. At times I have thought, oh... just be happy where I am and visit Ajijic a few times a year... get a job... bloom where planted... live in the moment.. yada yada yada.

In the evenings, I am OK with staying in Canada. Then I think about my friends (those on the Bcc line) who are living there, are in the process of moving there, or will move in the near future. I am so happy for those of you who are in the process and so grateful that you have shared your excitement with me. All of you are the type of people who enrich the lives of those who know you.

Kristina and Marie (from Focus on Mexico) you two are both powerful women who I think of when I get discouraged. You made up your minds when you wanted to move to Mexico and you let nothing stand in your way.

Sara, my Real Estate agent. You are an inspiration and I know when I move there that you will continue to be. The stories you have told me, about your life and relationship with the lord, really help me.

Quick update: I have had a couple of showings of my condo and three of my house in the past week that all went well. People here are really taking their time making decisions as there is so much available. As my realtor told me the saying is "The sellers are looking back and the buyers are looking forward". Buyers are hesitant to purchase anything that has not dropped in price significantly. So there are people who are interested in both properties. They are both incredible values as I have just dropped the price, again, on them.

So here is the thing…. Just kind of a fun experiment. Can you all just spend a minute visualizing me packing up and moving to Mexico? Think of me signing the papers to sell my homes… maybe both of them the same week! See me giving away a truck load of stuff to the Salvation Army. Can you see me meeting you at the plaza in Ajijic? Its Market day and we are all raving about the beautiful produce available in the winter! If you are inclined to pray… could you add a little prayer that find a way to move to Mexico before the end of November? I really need to be there.

Patricia really helped me see this…. life is here, now, and we have to appreciate every minute. Life is not a balance sheet…. staying here because I hate to see the "Net Worth" drop due to selling my homes at a low point of the market….. that just seems foolish. Numbers on a paper are just that. It Is how you take what you have to support what is important to you that matters.

Now…. I hope I can fulfill someone else's dream of living on the ocean or Lake Okanagan by dropping my prices into the range they can afford!

God Bless you all.
(I have attached my photo in case you need help with the visualization and have not seen me for a while!)


In response to Marie’s request to be able to share this story
Hi Marie
Thanks and YES... do share this with anyone who could use the help. Marie, I had to realize that I have a choice. If I sell my property I can retire in Mexico and have money to travel, time to volunteer, time to be creative. How lucky is that? So many people simply do not have a choice. They have negative balance sheets and are slaves to paying off debt. To trade in those positive "numbers", on my balance sheet, for freedom is a gift I should not ignore. And.... I have my health today... who knows about tomorrow.
God Bless!


Sometimes we need to help our clients help themselves and give them the support and encouragement to make their dreams come true. I hope this one client’s inspiration will inspire others and help them along their path.