Thursday, October 16, 2008

Global Financial Crisis - no thanks! Far away in Lake Chapala

In May, 2007 Ray and I enjoyed a wonderful Mediterranean Cruise with eleven hours of seminars with Jerry and Esther Hicks (Abraham). Esther essentially channels and has an incredible abilty to tap into the universal knowledge bank.

Recently I received an email from Abraham-Hicks (Law of Attraction) with a video clip from a recent workshop. It spoke directly to me and I think you will see the importance of it in these economic times.

Click on this link to watch this short video.
It is awe inspiring.

Just to give you a glimpse: Jerry asks Esther (Abraham) "if three people were allowed in the Presidential debate and Abraham was the third, what would their proposal be to alleviate the world-wide financial crisis?"

I had to watch it a couple of times to really make sure I really GOT IT. The message is don't worry; just buckle down and ride it out. (Or as Abraham so aptly puts it: Chill out and go to work!!!

I hope you Enjoy it as much as I did!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Lake Chapala, Mexico

The Law of Attraction

Marie Dwyer-Bullock, Lake Chapala, Mexico

I recently received this write up about the Law of Attraction from Finance North America and wanted to share it:

With 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping real estate professionals who want more clients, more free time, and a better lifestyle to create confidence, a positive mindset, and a step-by-step blueprint for success. She writes for Finance North America to better serve their clients.

What is the Law of Attraction and how does it work? Basically, it is a system of manifestation. More specifically, it is a system to help you to become magnetic to what you desire. The Law of Attraction can be implemented in five easy steps so you can begin using them in your real estate business to attract your ideal clients.

The principles of the Law of Attraction are based on quantum physics. Here is the basic principle:

"Everything is energy. We appear solid but we are not."

In addition:

-thoughts and feelings send out energy.
-every thought and feeling possesses a certain kind of energy.
-energies attract like energies.
-certain thoughts and feelings send out a higher vibration. We call them positive energies.
-other thoughts and feelings send out lower vibrations. We call these negative energies.

For example, the thoughts that are understood to be the highest vibrational thoughts are thoughts of gratitude, appreciation, and joy. The thoughts considered to be negative vibrations are thoughts of fear, anger, resentment, and anxiety.

The Downward Spiral
If you want to increase the flow of money to you and you dwell on the lack of money in your life and on all the debt you have, you send negative energy into the universe. Because energy attracts like energies, the universe will send you back the same kind of energy and you view more of the scarcity that you are projecting.

The Law of Attraction offers a solution to the dilemma of the downward spiral mentioned above. It says if you want more prosperity in your life, offer high vibrational energies such as gratitude, appreciation, and joy combined with your intention to magnetize money. The problem is that most people focus on what they don't want instead of what they do want.

Here are Four Easy Steps to follow the Law of Attraction
Most people don't really know how to use the Law of Attraction so they flounder around and conclude that it really doesn't work. This article will show you how to use the Law of Attraction in a clear and concise way, giving you an easy system to get the results you want.

STEP 1: Identify what you want in a client
The best method for doing this is the T diagram. Simply draw a horizontal line from the left side of your paper to the right side of your paper. Then draw a vertical line from top to bottom creating two columns.
Now take something you want to work on such as attracting your ideal clients. When you look at the T diagram, think of three to five qualities you WANT in a client, such as committed, motivated, decisive, responsive, and positive. Write those in the left hand column.

STEP 2: Discover the FEELING place of having what you want
Our typical way of thinking is, "When whatever is there comes over here, then I will be happy." So we try to change the outer conditions and become "fix it" mongers. We always try to change what is out there so we feel good. How do you find the "feeling place" of having what you want even before it has arrived?

Here is the answer: it's easy to find a place of having what you want when you visualize it. There is a scientific principle behind this: what you visualize, you materialize.
Take a moment to feel the feeling of knowing you have succeeded in attracting an abundance of ideal clients. How do you feel? Do you feel:


Step inside of these feelings, breathe and feel them on a physical level.

Do these feelings make you feel warmer or cooler?
Do these feelings make you feel lighter or heavier?
Do these feelings activate or relax you?

STEP 3: Discover your opposing beliefs
This step is crucial and often emitted by authors of the Law of Attraction. Think about "how can you attract prosperity if you have opposing beliefs?" I often run into people who have anti-money beliefs like:

-money doesn't grow on trees
-money is bad
-money corrupts us
-people with money are phony
-you can't trust people with money

Yet these are the same people trying to create a successful business so they have more money. Does it make sense that this wouldn't work? What is the solution? You need to identify and release all of your opposing beliefs. Some of these beliefs are on a subconscious level. For example, everyone carries subconscious beliefs about work such as:

-to be successful you have to work hard
-you have to struggle to strive
-making money requires years of sacrifice
-you can't have a successful career and enough time for your family

What self-limits do you have about work?

The key to success is getting rid of opposing beliefs. This may require the help a mentor of coach as many of these beliefs are in your "blind spot." That's why most successful professionals, like Tiger Woods, have coaches because they can't see their blind spots.

Replace those opposing beliefs with positive affirmations like:

-I attract abundance into my life

-My clients are loyal and like to work with me

-I deserve abundance in my life

-I know a lot of people who do good things with money

-Having more money will give me more choices

-I can do a lot of good for myself and others with more money

-Everything in the Universe flows and I feel the abundance of the Universe flowing through me

-It is easier to be positive than to be negative

-Whatever I desire and believe I can have, I can achieve

STEP 4: Take inspired action
Some people think the Law of Attraction doesn't require action.

First, get really clear on what it is you actually want. The clearer your vision is, the more exact the manifestation that you create will be.

· Describe what you want – write it down and put in your Creation Box (to the Universe)

· Then close your eyes and imagine yourself having it

· Then really ‘feel’ yourself having it (in the now)

· Then get out of the way and let the Universe do its job. Don’t doubt it. Don’t keep asking for you. (You put in your order once and that’s it. You don’t go into Amazon every half hour and order the same book.)

You need to keep yourself in a very good ‘feeling’ place in your gut.

· Feel very passionate about what you want

· Feel the gratitude for already having it

· Feel the benefits in the present tense

· Enjoy it already

For example, if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at the ideal weight. Look at how well your clothes fit. Imagine going shopping for new clothes in a smaller size. Feel how much better you feel with less weight. Hear those compliments from people around you. Look in the mirror in your mind and see the new slender you. Every day say, “I am slender.” If you say, “I want to lose weight,” that implies it will happen in the future and that you have too much weight now. When you say “I am slender,” your mind hears this and believes it and creates the reality. When you believe it, you will see it.